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Bad Movies...That I Love! ORCA
Well, “love” may be an over-exaggeration. Since this will be an ongoing series of posts, I would like to give a little background on why...

I Confess! (A Mission Statement of sorts)
I have a confession to make. I read Buzzfeed daily. I take the quizzes. I can’t help but read the clickbait articles. Buzzfeed performs a...

The Best (Brief) Screenwriting Advice I've Ever Read
Throughout my 30 years here in Los Angeles I’ve run into many a prospective screenwriter. And really, who hasn’t? Also, some of my...

5 Thoughts About...LIFEFORCE
(not a review) Here’s the IMDb description: A race of space vampires arrives in London and infects the populace, beginning an apocalyptic...

Every Film is a Series of Paintings
Any fan of cinema will enjoy this very well done YouTube series that shows how great filmmakers (and some, not-so-great) tell stories...

In Praise of Lifelong Friends
Jose and some of the boys (with my dad) at my 21st birthday. Today is a day of pain. I didn’t want it to be. I wasn’t expecting it. But...

That Time Sir Ian McKellen and I Shared a Stage...
(This is a clip from the show. Not my show, mind you.) Sure, it was many years ago (before he was knighted!), but I did get to be on...
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